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belgium 10 packages wood cp3 1140x1140x138mm ht 9000 kgm 15 46 mtq breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 4961430226 us harmonized tariff code 390720 39072020 hs 001984800000012174kg rder number 4961430226 40 steel d rums 2 packages wood cp3 1140x1140x138mm ht 924 kgm 1 862 mtq breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 4961430 226 us harmoni zed tariff code 390720 hs purchase o rder number 4961430226 4 steel dr ums freight pr epaid general cm a cgm terms and conditions to be founder www cma cgm com 12.0 other 2021/03/06 philippines wood cp3 1140x1140x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 4961430245 us harmonized tariff code 390720 39072020 hs 52 steel drums purchase order number 4961430245 002340000000013900kg epaid general cm a cgm terms and conditions to be founder www cma cgm com 13.0 other 2021/02/24 philippines 29 px pallet wood cp3 1140x11 40x138mm ht phone 215629 7546 e mail basfisf bdpint co m fax 2155585751 phone 9 732456000 e mail intercompany northamerica basf com fax 973 2456002 breox 75 w 18000 200 rums po no 49610096 25 us ha rmonized tariff code 390720 freight prepaid agent a t destination mobi le address p o box 1588 mob ile al 36 633 united states contacts 334 441 7003 116.0 other 2021/02/24 philippines 21 px pallet wood cp3 1140x11 40x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 49614 30229 us harmonized tariff c ode 390720 2 px pallet wood cp3 1140x114 0x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 496143 0229 us harmonized tariff co de 390720 22 px pallet wood cp3 1140x11 40x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 49614 30229 us harmonized tariff c ode 390720 freight prepa id 176.0 other 2021/02/24 other 29 px pallet wood cp3 1140x11 40x138mm ht phone 215629 7546 e mail basfisf bdpint co m fax 2155585751 phone 9 732456000 e mail intercompany northamerica basf com fax 973 2456002 breox 75 w 18000 200 kg steel drums po no 49610096 25 us harmonized tariff code 390720 freight prepaid agent at destination mobi le address p o box 1588 mob ile al 36633 united states contacts 334 441 7003 br 116.0 other 2021/02/24 other 21 px pallet wood cp3 1140x11 40x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 49614 30229 us harmonized tariff c ode 390720 2 px pallet wood cp3 1140x114 0x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 496143 0229 us harmonized tariff co de 390720 br 22 px pallet wood cp3 1140x11 40x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 49614 30229 us harmonized tariff c ode 390720 freight prepa id br 176.0 other 2021/02/06 other 29 px pallet wood cp3 1140x11 40x138mm ht phone 215629 7546 e mail basfisf bdpint co m fax 2155585751 phone 9 732456000 e mail intercompany northamerica basf com fax 973 2456002 breox 75 w 18000 200 kg steel drums po no 49610096 25 us harmonized tariff code 390720 freight prepaid agent at destination mobi le address p o box 1588 mob ile al 36633 united states contacts 334 441 7003 br 116.0 other 2021/02/06 other 22 px pallet wood cp3 1140x11 40x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 49614 30229 us harmonized tariff c ode 390720 freight prepa id br 21 px pallet wood cp3 1140x11 40x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 49614 30229 us harmonized tariff c ode 390720 2 px pallet wood cp3 1140x114 0x138mm ht breox 75 w 18000 200kg steel drums po no 496143 0229 us harmonized tariff co de 390720 br 176.0 other 2021/01/18 other on 20 pallet wood cp3 1140x1140x138mm ht breox tb 195 200kg composite packagings 6ha1 us harmonized tariff code 390720 390720 hs federal republic of germany oncarriage prepaid phone 9732456000 email intercompanynorthamerica basf com fax 9732456002 phone 2156297546 email basfisf bdpint com fax 2155585751 freight prepaid general cma cgm terms and conditions to be founder www cma cgm com shipper reference 107244 forwarder reference 210108270610001 br 80.0 other 2021/01/16 italy harmless chemicals breox hts 39072020 invoice no fve 200014 hs code 39072020 br 1.0 other
本文链接: http://lumaritalia.immuno-online.com/view-774305.html
发布于 : 2021-03-25